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Therapist: Annie Standish
Service:1 Hr Guided Meditation change

The Therapist guides you through a spoken imaginative visualization; leading you to a place of deep inner peace and restoration of mind and body.

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  • Discounts

    • Combination Swedish Relaxation, Deep Tissue, Myofascial Release, Neuromuscular

      A massage geared to target whatever muscular issues you are experienceing using all available modalities. 
      • 60 Min Massage $75
        Combination massage including all modalities available. Massage takes place on a massage mat. Please wear underwear or shorts to allow for stretching. 
      • 90 Min Massage $120
        Combination massage including all modalities available. Massage takes place on a massage mat. Please wear underwear or shorts to allow for stretching. 
      • 2 Hour Massage $150
        Combination massage including all modalities available. Massage takes place on a massage mat. Please wear underwear or shorts to allow for stretching. 
      • 3 Hr Massage $200
        Combination massage including all modalities available. Massage takes place on a massage mat. Please wear underwear or shorts to allow for stretching. 
      • Thai Assisted Yoga Massage

        A form of massage which takes place on a Thai mat on the floor. For this type of massage the client is dressed in loose fitting or work out clothing and are assisted in performing yoga type positions and stretches. Some regular massage techniques are employed as well depending on the needs of the individuals pain patterns. Inform your therapist about any limitations you have due to joint injury or pain.