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Therapist: Annie Standish
Service:3 Hr Massage add another, change

3 hours of combined massage techniques, tailored to your specific needs. Modalities will include, Swedish, Deep Tissue, Neuromuscular, Myofacial Release, Thai assisted Yoga Stretching, or Reiki Energy work. Specific modalities used vary according to the needs of the pain patterns indicated. Massage will take place on a Thai massage mat on the floor. Please wear Gym or Yoga type clothing as some of the stretching is better done dressed. 3 hours of massage can be strenuous to the body, be sure to check with your therapist before scheduling to insure your health permits such a session. Should the therapist determine that the client has been overwhelmed physically or emotionally by the massage work, we reserve the right to end the session early in the clients best interest. Light energy work can be done to complete the time, if the client is able.

Date/time:Choose one of the openings below. (EDT)